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Morris 18-30 2005, Leeds

Next year we have to don breathing apparatus as we head to the far north where the air is thin to, err, Leeds.

Alastair who had the idea for this whole thing back in early 2000 will single handedly organise next year's bash. More fool him.

If you are the only person in your side in this age bracket and don't know any of us then don't be put off. we are all like minded and we'll make you all very welcome. Each year has seen more new faces and they soon get the hang of the idea; drink lots, dance a bit and set off small explosive charges.

The cost for the past three years has been £25 for the workers and £20 for the non workers. It may have to rise for next year, but not by much.


Why restrict it 18-30? Can I come if I'm x yrs old?

Basically, we don't really care how young you are, but please note that everyone needs to be responsible for themselves. We don't want parents tagging along to supervise young lads. And I certainly won't be the one to sit out in the rain with under age boys who have been kicked out of the city centre pub (which tend to be less lenient with youngsters). Bearing in mind the above, we have no problem with mature midteens turning up.

At the top end, we set the limit at 30 simply due to the 18-30 phrase. If you think yourself young and groovy above 30 then fine. But at 35 it's time you hung around people your own age, for you, the brow is in sight.

We hope that boys will learn of this weekend and look forward to the time they can come. A kind of right of passage or status thing. Older dancers need to realise that, respect it and keep it for the young guys what it was for them. I don't want it to become like the IVFDF Morris tour sometimes is; hardly any students and lots of middle aged working types.

No female dancing? What's that all about?

Morris dancing is not on the decline. Teams are popping up all over the place, but they tend to be the sort of teams that only dance their own made up stuff, are all female or mixed. We want to promote all male dancing and the traitional(ish!) dances. It's not backward, we're not anti-women dancing, it is what it is. Take it or leave it.